
Duncan Figurski is an Artist, Educator and Technologist.

The artist and algorithm celebrate the obfuscation of legibility // visibility in joyous and optimistic terms, using abstraction as a playful rebellion against all those things which keep us disconnected from the void // expanse .

Curriculum Design
Commercial Design
Collaborative Practice

CV available upon Request.


In this video and performance piece, a bot is programmed to text him his own suicidal ideations. Duncans responses aim to use the phone as a proxy for mental environment, later  adding animations and sounds onto the live video. Created in Conjunction with the DollarStore OuroBoros this two pieces are to set a tonal contrast around our consumption of digital media. 

This installation was exhibited in the artists home vertically on an LCD television. For High Res Video of the piece, or access to the github repo please reach out to the artist.