
Duncan Figurski is an Artist, Educator and Technologist.

The artist and algorithm celebrate the obfuscation of legibility // visibility in joyous and optimistic terms, using abstraction as a playful rebellion against all those things which keep us disconnected from the void // expanse .

Curriculum Design
Commercial Design
Collaborative Practice

CV available upon Request.

The Following Courses were designed by Duncan Figurski for The New School, and NYU. These syllabuses are frequently updated with each semester, and include tech demos, class itineraries, and guided exercises.

SOUNDBYTES: SoundBytes is an experimental workshop where we take an extremely interdisciplinary approach to creating audio visual works of art. We pull from examples in psychology, media theory, sound design, advertising, biology, physics and even some computer science to form a highly holistic impression of how our senses work, how the media containing our senses work, and how we can leverage both to create impactful pieces. With an attention on the micro - the first third of the course focuses creating short form Audio pieces, the second third investigates short form Visual composition and the final third studies the effectiveness of audiovisual memes in advertising and social media. Students will create original work using Ableton, Blender, and other programs after completing the necessary technical tutorials on their own time outside of class; class sessions are devoted to seminar discussion, presentation, and critique of works composed in terms of seconds instead of minutes. Taught at Contemporary Music Department of Eugene Lang College at the New School.

UNIVERSE IN A BLENDER: Blender is a dynamic tool that can be used to design real world sets, physical objects and virtual assets for various media and live performance. It can render robust animations and impose visual effects on recorded video. It has the capacity to interface easily with interactive softwares like Unity and Unreal, while having the potential to output hi-fidelity renders for print. But beyond that it’s just a software. The ability to create any believable world comes from you. In this class we will explore a variety of techniques to create living, breathing fictional worlds while honing the skills in Blender to bring them to life. Students will be asked to create food, buildings, clothing, people and traffic signs from their fictional universe - building consistency of aesthetic, narrative allusion, and the fine details that make any world “believable”. The class will involve dissecting and discussing media on this world building, technical tutorials and instruction in Blender, and hands on workshops that tackle the conceptual questions of world building while exploring how to interface Blender with an outside medium: (3D printing, Pattern Making, Asset Development, Unity, Unreal, After Effects, recorded video). Students will be expected to watch technical tutorials and read short pieces on these topics for homework. Students will also complete weekly deliverable assignments. Taught at the Collaborative Arts Program at NYU Tisch school of the Arts.

CODING TOOLKIT: JAVASCRIPT This course provides a basic introduction to coding for students with no prior experience using the P5.js Javascript Programing Environment. It will introduce the use of computing and algorithms to web design, data analysis and visualization, and game design. Students will complete integrative projects within each of these areas, and leave the class with a strong foundation in the use of P5js across a range of applications. Access to a working laptop will be expected throughout the semester. This course fulfills the Integrative Course requirement of the Culture and Media major.  Taught at the Code as a Liberal Art Program at Eugene Lang College at the New School. (Orginal Syllabus Developed by Rory Solomon, later adapted by Duncan Figurski)